A credit card is a payment card issued by a financial institution, typically a bank, that allows cardholders to borrow funds to pay for goods and services. The cardholder can use the credit card to make purchases up to a predetermined credit limit, which is based on their creditworthiness and income.
When a credit card is used to make a purchase, the cardholder is essentially borrowing money from the issuer of the credit card. The cardholder is required to repay the amount borrowed, according to the terms and conditions of the credit card agreement.
Credit cards typically offer a number of benefits, including the ability to make purchases online or over the phone, access to cash advances, and the ability to earn rewards points or cashback on purchases.
Key Point
Credit card is plastic money.
Credit Card get 50 days for payment - 30 days for statement period and 20 days for grace period.
Instant loan on credit card - Within limit loan or Over limit loan.
Instent Monthly Installment - If you buy any product, then you can take EMI on that product without any documentation.
Discount - Credit Card discounts aree available with the tie-up company.
Cashback - Credit Card cashback aree available with the tie-up company.
Eligibility Card To Card Documentation
Salaried Individuals
Self Employed
18 years to 66 years
18 years to 60 years
Above 750
Above 750
Proof of Identity
PAN Card
PAN Card,
Proof of Residence (Any One)
Aadhar Card,
Voter’s ID,
Driving License
Electricity Bills
Aadhar Card,
Voter’s ID,
Driving License
Electricity Bills
Proof of Income
Last Credit Card Statements
Last Credit Card Statements
Passport-size photographs
Eligibility 1st Time Credit Card Documentation
Salaried Individuals
Self Employed
Proof of Identity
PAN Card
PAN Card,
Proof of Residence (Any One)
Aadhar Card,
Voter’s ID,
Driving License
Electricity Bills
Aadhar Card,
Voter’s ID,
Driving License
Electricity Bills
18 years to 66 years
18 years to 60 years
Net Monthly Income
Rs. 8,000
Rs. 15,000
Above 750
Above 750
Proof of Income (Any One)
Bank statement of salary account for the previous 3 months
Salary Slips of previous 3 months
Form 16
Audited financial statement of the previous 1 years
ITR of previous 1 years
Passport-size photographs